4th Annual Joint Chen-Chng-Kline Lab Holiday Party!

This year, we bowled and BBQed in the jungle!


Hellos and Goodbyes

We’re excited to welcome Zeus, previous undergrad researcher in the lab, and our newest PhD student in the lab!

Undergrad Zeus
Undergrad Zeus

As well as JJ, previous undergrad visiting undergrad, who has joined us as a researcher.

JJ from Scotland
JJ from Scotland


We’re equally sad to see other members of the lab family leave, but are excited for the next steps of their careers:

Iris is off to grad school at Cornell in NYC!
Iris is off to grad school at Cornell in NYC!
Nasren got a new job at P&G!
Nasren got a new job at P&G!

Summer of Conferences

The lab has been busy this summer:

Irina represented the lab at the Cell Surfaces GRC.

Anu and Damien went the Toxins and Pathogenicity GRC, and Damien’s poster was picked for an oral presentation!

Finally, Adeline doubled up at both the Stress Response GRC and ISME in Montreal.

Damien’s GRC talk
Adeline and her GRC lobster