Merlion Research in Action

We’re very happy to have Artur Matysik join our team to study infection-associated biofilms.
Krystal and Nicole, from Temasek Polytechnic, will be working with us from September ’15 – January ’16. They will work with Eliza, Kelvin, and Wei Hong.
Irina is spending part of the summer in coooooool Sweden, where she is visiting the lab of Sun Nyunt Wai at the University of Umeå.
This crew really raised the bar for undergraduate research in the lab.
Thanks for all of your hard work, and we wish you all the best after graduation!
For the 4th ASM Conference on Enterococci.
Exploring the city with the Dunny lab, Pete Christie, and Ana from the Hultgren lab.
Heading home..
Welcome Fen Wei!