Congratulations Frederick!

Congratulations to Frederick Reinhart Tanoto for being awarded the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) award for his outstanding performance in the Biological Sciences discipline as an NTU undergraduate. Frederick will also be beginning his journey as a graduate student in the Kline lab this semester. We wish him all the best in his Ph.D journey. Keep up the good work Frederick!

Welcome new interns and undergrads for the 2021/22 academic year!

LEE Hsin Yee, a SBS undergraduate intern, will be working with Mark over the summer 2021 break.


Keefe Qingyao QUEK, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Tom for 6 weeks under the BS9001 Research Experience module.


Aslam Firras Bin Azhar, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Zeus for 6 weeks under the BS9001 Research Experience module.


KONG Jian Hua, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Chor Ming for 6 weeks under the BS9001 Research Experience module.


Siti Nur Khairunnisa, a Republic Polytechnic intern, will be working with Haris till the end of July.


He Shan, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Irina for 6 weeks under the BS9001 Research Experience module.


GOH Ker Yi Karlyn, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Ronni for her final year project.


Jolly Shreya, a SBS undergraduate, will be working with Ronni for her professional attachment.


Audrey TAN, a Ngee Ann Polytechnic intern, will be working with Haris till February 2022.

Congratulations Chee Hong!

A hearty congratulations to Chee Hong, our Temasek Polytechnic FYP student, for winning the “Best student in main project”, awarded by KK’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital at his FYP poster presentation. Shoutout to Haris, for his excellent mentorship during Chee Hong’s FYP journey!

Award winner, Lee Chee Hong

Chee Hong’s winning poster titled ” Application of Fluidic and Microfluidic In Vitro Models to Study Bacterial Migration in Urinary Catheters

Welcome to our undergrad and pre-undergrad students for the 2019/2020 academic year!

CHUA Swee Kwang is an NTU undergrad working with Haris starting in Jan 2020.


June ONG, NTU student working with Irina from mid-2019. She’s now an FYP student in the lab.


Jerome CHUA is an NTU FYP student working with Irina Jan-April 2020.


Jermain Goh is back. He’s a former URECA student, now doing his URECA-FYP project with Zeus Jan-April 2020.


Tay Jie Yin is an NTU FYP student working with Pei Yi Jan-April 2020


Xiao Wei joins us from Temasek Polytechnic. She’ll be working with Casandra from August-January.